Find A Journal


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Welcome to the Simmons library homepage! You are probably familiar with this page - and with the frustration of typing information into the main search bar and getting no results. Grr.  This tutorial will help you learn a new tool to help you find that elusive article that you know exists because your professor put it in the syllabus!

It is important to know that the main search bar will not always show everything we have access to in the library. That is where a tool like Find a Journal comes in handy.  Use the arrows below to guide you through the tutorial.

Social Work with Groups is a popular journal in the Social Work program here at Simmons, but the articles are not always easy to find.  For example,  copy and paste this entire citation into the search box and hit enter:  

Clemens, S.E. (2011). The purpose, benefits, and challenges of "check in" in a group-work class.  Social Work with Groups, 34(2), 121-140.  

(This will open a link in a new tab).

Note: If you are off-campus, make sure you are logged into the library website.  A gray bar will appear at the top of your screen reading "Welcome Guest. Sign in to your institution for full access to your library’s resources" if you are not.

What happened

Typing in the entire citation overwhelms the search function, so it often delivers very little - but this does not mean Simmons does not have access to the article.  Let's try finding the article another way. 

In the left menu under Research Tools, click on Publication Finder.

This will bring you to the Find a Journal search bar.

The Find a Journal tool allows you to find any journal - print or electronic - accessible through Simmons. The full citation for this resource is:

Clemens, S.E. (2011). The purpose, benefits, and challenges of "check in" in a group-work class. Social Work with Groups, 34(2), 121-140.

What is the title of the journal we are looking for?

Type the journal title into the search bar:

Social Work with Groups

You will notice that as you start typing in the title, a list of suggestions will start scrolling - another helpful tool!

Hit 'enter' on your keyboard to search for the title.

Now we can see that Simmons has access to this journal through the Taylor & Francis databases.   It also shows us the date range for access - in this case 1997-present.

Databases with access to Social Work with Groups journal

Since we are looking for an article from 2011, this will work for us.  Go ahead and click on the Taylor and Francis link.

Note: if T&F opens in a new window, click here

You will now see a long list of issues by volume and year.  But we are in luck!  Our citation lists the year the article was published, as well as the volume and issue number.  Take another look at the citation:    

Clemens, S.E. (2011). The purpose, benefits, and challenges of "check in" in a group-work class. Social Work with Groups, 34(2), 121-140.

Which number indicates the volume?

Go ahead and find the correct volume in the list and click on it.

Now, we are given a short list of issues included in the volume, but our citation also gives us this information:

Clemens, S.E. (2011). The purpose, benefits, and challenges of "check in" in a group-work class. Social Work with Groups, 34(2), 121-140.

What is the issue number of the journal we are looking for?

Go ahead and click on the issue number.  We are almost there!

You should now see a list of articles starting with a "From the Editor" section and followed by "Articles".  Start scrolling through the list of articles for Clemens (2011):

Clemens, S.E. (2011). The purpose, benefits, and challenges of "check in" in a group-work class. Social Work with Groups, 34(2), 121-140.

Do you see the title of the article we are looking for?

Yahoo!  Hopefully you have been successfully able to locate the article!  We are now given two options for reading the article - as HTML Full Text or .pdf Full Text, which is probably what you are looking for.  

You will see that there is a green check mark in the bottom right corner, indicating you have "free access" to this article through your Beatley Library access.

So click on the article format of your choice and happy reading!

Still have questions?  Ask a Librarian.

We are always happy to help!

Also, please leave us some feedback after you finish the short quiz on the next page and let us know if you found this tutorial helpful!


In the following citation, what volume was this article published in?

Saunders, L. (2012). Faculty perspectives on information literacy as a student learning outcome. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 38(4), 226-236.


What is the name of the journal in the following citation:  Tompkins, E.K. (2009). A reflective teaching journal: an instructional improvement tool for academic librarians. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 16(4), 221-238.


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