Harriet L.B. (Brown) Darling '13

Harriet LB Darling (from Farm, Stock and Home, 1915).png

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Harriet L.B. (Brown) Darling '13


Harriet L.B. Brown, pictured here in Farm, Stock, and Home in 1915, was born in Napa, California in 1872 and received a Bachelor of Law degree from Smith College in 1891. She married Henry Herbert Darling in San Francisco in 1894, and the couple had three children. In 1911, Harriet returned to school, pursuing a graduate degree (likely in Household Economics) at Simmons.

After graduating in 1913, Darling became a renowned lecturer, traveling the country to give talks on housekeeping and nutrition to farmers, women’s clubs, and college women. She worked as an instructor at the Massachusetts Agricultural College in 1917 and was also a regular contributor to agricultural and Unitarian periodicals.

A member of the College Equal Suffrage Association, the College Club of Boston, and the Smith and Simmons alumnae associations, Darling remained committed to women’s education, lecturing to Wellesley students and possibly returning to Simmons as an instructor around 1914.


Farm, Stock, and Home




Farm, Stock, and Home, “Harriet L.B. (Brown) Darling '13,” Suffrage at Simmons, accessed March 30, 2025, https://beatleyweb.simmons.edu/suffrage/items/show/71.

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