Alice Charlotte Williams

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Alice Charlotte Williams


Alice Charlotte Williams was born in 1878 in Buffalo, New York to Charlotte (Stoneman) Williams and Benjamin Harris Williams, a state senator. She attended Buffalo High School and then Wellesley College, earning her B.A. in 1900. She later pursued graduate study at Simmons, presumably in Library Science, though her year of graduation is unknown.

In 1910, Williams took a position at the Newark Public Library, and she later worked at the East Houston Street branch of the New York Public Library from 1911 to 1912. By 1914, she had moved to Willink, New York.

Williams was a suffragist and clubwoman, holding membership in the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, the Buffalo Wellesley Club, the New York Simmons Club, and possibly the New York State Woman Suffrage Association. In 1901, she served as Secretary of the Buffalo Wellesley Club. She was also an avid canoer and a member of the American Canoe Association.

Williams died in February of 1945 and is buried in Buffalo, New York.


“Alice Charlotte Williams,” Suffrage at Simmons, accessed February 22, 2025,

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