Browse Items (106 total)

Howes, New England Magazine (1909).png
Ethel Dench Puffer, pictured here in 1909 in New England Magazine, was born in Framingham, Massachusetts in 1873 to George Dana Puffer and Ella (Dench) Puffer. She earned an A.B. from Smith College in 1891, then spent a year teaching high school in…

Flyer page 2 Suffrage parade marching song.jpg
This broadsheet, containing marching instructions, a parade map, and song lyrics, advised suffrage supporters on how to participate in the Boston suffrage march of October 16, 1915.

Flyer page 1 Suffrage parade marching order.jpg
This broadsheet, containing marching instructions, a parade map, and song lyrics, advised suffrage supporters on how to participate in the Boston suffrage march of October 16, 1915. Simmons is the only college listed individually among the groups of…

do you as a woman want to vote?.jpeg
Published in the Ladies' Home Journal in 1911, this survey of prominent women of the time indicates that the women interviewed were largely opposed to woman suffrage. The magazine was on record in opposition to women's right to vote.
Women quoted…

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When clothing manufacturer John Simmons died in 1870, he left provisions in his will “to found and endow an institution to be called Simmons Female College.” The necessary funds were not secured until almost thirty years later, but when Simmons…

Harriet LB Darling (from Farm, Stock and Home, 1915).png
Harriet L.B. Brown, pictured here in Farm, Stock, and Home in 1915, was born in Napa, California in 1872 and received a Bachelor of Law degree from Smith College in 1891. She married Henry Herbert Darling in San Francisco in 1894, and the couple had…

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Given to Simmons College September 1985 by the Workingmens Cooperative Bank. Hung in Bartol Hall. Portrayed are: Anne Hutchinson, Phyllis Wheatley, Sister Ann Alexis, Lucy Stone, Mary Baker Eddy, Ellen Richards, Mary Morton Kehew, Helen Keller, Annie…
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