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There was a suffrage parade in Boston on May 3, 1914, and the newspaper article says that undergraduates from Simmons were in attendance.

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This portrait of Martha Washington, preserved by Simmons student Daisie Miller Helyar in her scrapbook, may have carried pro-suffrage connotations, as Washington often served as a figurehead for suffrage organizations.

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Mary Caroline Crawford, a writer, lecturer, and activist, graduated in 1907 from Boston’s School for Social Workers, which later became the Simmons College School of Social Work. In her book The College Girl of America (1905), Crawford encouraged…

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Dorothy Celeste Boulding was born in Norfolk, Virginia around 1898 to Benjamin and Florence Ruffin Boulding. She spent much of her childhood in Boston, living with an aunt while her mother recovered from an illness. Boulding graduated from the Girls’…

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Given to Simmons College September 1985 by the Workingmens Cooperative Bank. Hung in Bartol Hall. Portrayed are: Anne Hutchinson, Phyllis Wheatley, Sister Ann Alexis, Lucy Stone, Mary Baker Eddy, Ellen Richards, Mary Morton Kehew, Helen Keller, Annie…
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