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protest demands admin action018.jpg
Simmons students led a silent sit-in to protest the current level of support for students of color. The students presented President Helen Drinan with a list of Ten Demands.

WWII - 1936 - Peace Conference pamphlet 026.jpg
Simmons College hosted a two day peace conference in order to present students with the issues involved in war and peace.

WWII - 1935 Simmons Anti-War Committee Protest flyer 025.jpg
The Simmons Anti-War Committee created a flyer to encourage students to leave their classes at 11 a.m. on April 12 to protest war and fascism.

Womens Center - 1989 Pro Choice March (hanger)008.jpg
The Simmons Feminist Union created a flyer to encourage students to participate in the National March on Washington on April 9, 1989 to support abortion rights.

STAND 2012.jpg
Simmons students sign a paper pledging how they will stand against racism.

Simmons Peace Strike001.jpg
Simmons students created a flyer to encourage students to participate in a peace strike.

SGA - 1985 Boston student protest 036.jpg
Simmons Student Government Association invites students to participate in a Boston student protest.

Intl Stu Assn - 1984 2 Minutes of Silence 017.jpg
In 1984, the International Students Association sponsored a letter calling for Simmons students to participate in a two minute period of silence to promote world peace.

GALA - Celebration 022.jpg
The Gay and Lesbian Awareness Committee (GALA) sponsored events around Simmons College in order to support gay and lesbian rights.

GALA - 1990 Gay Rights Bill panel 021.jpg
The Gay and Lesbian Awareness Committee (GALA) created a flyer to encourage Simmons students to come to a panel on the 1989 Gay Civil Rights Bill.
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