HomeWhat can you do with an Africana Studies degree?

What can you do with an Africana Studies degree?

The program offers both a major and a minor. It is an interdisciplinary and transnational program situated primarily in the humanities and social sciences that provides opportunities for the intersectional study of race, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality.

The Africana Studies program provides a solid foundation in critical thinking, research, writing, and technology. It equips students with marketable, transferable skills that translate into living and working in a diverse world as well as demonstrate cultural competency to future employers in fields such as education, social work and nonprofit sectors, medicine, law, and business. Students with degrees in Africana Studies develop the tools to become global citizens and participate effectively to shape a more inclusive, equitable, socially just world.

In February 2022, we invited back four alumnae/i who graduated from the Africana Studies program: Helena Fils 07, Eugenia Knight 97, Kenyora Parham 10, and Louise Michelle Vital 00. They spoke about how the degree has shaped the way they see and navigate the world and how it has been useful in a range of professional career paths. Watch a recording of the event below. 

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