The Gulf War and the Iraq War

Desert Storm - Good flyer - Oil for War panel029.jpg

War: Is it Necessary? flyer, 1991.

In 1991, Simmons students took a variety of stances on the Gulf War. One student organization, called Support Our Soldiers (S.O.S.) formed to encourage other students, whether or not they agreed with the war itself, to respect the troops sent overseas. Another organization also formed in 1991, called Women Opposed to War (W.O.W.), that advocated for peace and was, as an organization, skeptical of the Gulf War. Simmons students also participated in panels focusing on the causes of the War, Desert Storm, and the history of our relationship with oil and how that relationship effected events leading up to the War. Simmons students took similar stands on the Iraq War that they did in regards to the Gulf War. Students participated in protests both in Boston and in Washington, D.C. Students also wrote editorials about the Iraq War in The Simmons Voice periodically between 2003 and 2007.

The Gulf War and the Iraq War