MCB Sports Facilities


Students fencing in the Old Gym (1960s)

Recognizing the need for physical activity, the Simmons Corporation arranged for Simmons students to use the gymnasium belonging to the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics which was located near Simmons Hall. At the time, it was required that all students attend physical education class twice a week. Tennis courts arrived on the Main Campus in 1907 with the first tennis club organized in 1908. As attendance and athletic facilities at the school grew, so did the sport offerings. This requirement was discontinued in 1909 when shower facilities were installed next to a large room in the new West Wing of 300 The Fenway and this room was designated as the gymnasium. From 1930-1941, the Bouvé-Boston School of Physical Education affiliated with Simmons College and provided facilities and instruction in physical education. 


Students playing ping pong in the Old Gym (1960s)


In 1948, Josephine Chapman, Associate Professor of Physical Education, stated that the lack of space and inadequate facilities would limit the growing interest in individual sports. The facilities then were: two tennis courts; no swimming pool within the College building; badminton and volleyball courts with low ceilings; and no room for ping pong tables. It was suggested that a three-unit gym, allowing for three activities at once, would answer the call of students.


Students exercising in the Old Gym


The College also made use of land behind the Main Campus Building for field activities. In 1978, the gymnasium in the West Wing moved to the third floor of the East Wing (currently the Linda K. Paresky Conference Center). Simmons also rented space from area schools, including Emmanuel College.

MCB Sports Facilities